What Does A Book With An Arrow Mean On A Ept Pregnancy Test
What does a book with an arrow mean on a ept pregnancy test. I laid it flat as instructed and after about a minute a symbol of an arrow and a book appeared the instructions say this means there was an error with the test in that the test might have been turned so the absorbent tip might have facing upwards it wasnt I was careful to ensure or that too much or too little urine was placed on the tip. Do not read the - test after 10 minutes. Arrow Pointing to a Book.
I have taken one of those before and they either say pregnant or not pregnant so I think if the arrow is pointing to a book i. The EPT Pregnancy Test is a relatively accurate and sensitive test. Correctly reading an EPT pregnancy test can make a life-changing difference.
An evaporation line can appear which you may misinterpret as a positive result. Home Community Pregnancy Issues Clear Blue Digital Result. After placing the test stick on a flat surface for the recommended two minutes you apprehensively pick it up not knowing what the results will show.
Today you can know your results 6 days sooner and in some cases youll have your outcome in under a minute. But I just took a digital test and is was not EPT and I know what you are talking about. Your period is late so you buy a pregnancy test.
Wait at least two minutes before reading the results. Learn what a faint line means on an EPT pregnancy test. EPT early pregnancy test doesnt affect the EPT test sensitivity.
Let me check it out. Ok an EPT certainty test is a digital pregnancy test so you should only have to read what is on the display. Favorite Answer I think it means you need to read the instructions.
I took a digitial Clearble easy and it came up with a book with arrow in Control window Ive never had this happen with this test I just wanted a clear pregnant or Not pregnant I have took two Frers that had a white line in the positive spot so I know those were faulty so I wanted a clear answer. Could I be pregnant.
You follow the instructions word for word to ensure an accurate result.
After placing the test stick on a flat surface for the recommended two minutes you apprehensively pick it up not knowing what the results will show. EPT early pregnancy test doesnt affect the EPT test sensitivity. BUTI just so happen to have a pack of that kind of test handy. Your period is late so you buy a pregnancy test. And Read that if you have a flickering book and arrow symbol at the bottom then this is an error. Grip the test with your thumb then urinate on the test or dip the test in a clean container of urine. Could I be pregnant. Do not read the - test after 10 minutes. A positive pregnancy test can mean different things depending on the rest of your dream.
A positive pregnancy test can mean different things depending on the rest of your dream. California 1195 posts. Arrow Pointing to a Book. It means there is a book error and the test is pretty much no good thats the ones i used and I had one like that just take another and try to follow the instructions exactly or it wont work like if you dont keep it flat or point the pee end up it doesnt work. BUTI just so happen to have a pack of that kind of test handy. EPT early pregnancy test doesnt affect the EPT test sensitivity. It means something was wrong with the test or you did it wrong without realising.
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